“Filigree circles round her young wrist, her mother is frowning at something she missed, she fixes her hair…” Transience // Hand. Cannot. Erase.
Perfect Life
“Sometimes we would head down to Blackbirds moor to watch the barges on Grand Union in the twilight. She said “The water has no memory”….” Perfect Life // Hand. Cannot. Erase.
Home Invasion 2
“Download the things that make you mad, download the life you wish you had…” Home Invasion // Hand. Cannot. Erase.
Happy Returns 2
“Cos the truth is the years just pass like trains, I wave but they don’t slow down…” Happy Returns // Hand. Cannot. Erase.
Ancestral 2
“Reason never seems to come to guilty men, things that meant so much mean nothing in the end…” Ancestral // Hand. Cannot. Erase.
The Watchmaker 2
“Each hour becomes another empty space to fill, wasted with the care and virtues of his skill…” The Watchmaker // The Raven That Refused To Sing (and other stories)
The Raven 3
“Just because I’m weak, you can steal my dreams, you can reach inside my head and you can put your song there instead” The Raven That Refused To Sing // The Raven That Refused To Sing (and other stories)
The Pin Drop
“Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea, dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees…” The Pin Drop // The Raven That Refused To Sing (and other stories)
Index 3
“I’m a collector and I’ve always been misunderstood, I like the things that people always seem to overlook…” Index // Grace for Drowning