With my next album The Overview finished and just around the corner, I’d like to take a moment to commemorate the fact that it was one year ago today that The Harmony Codex was released! I’m proud of all my records, but there’s something especially magical about this one, a diverse, uncategorisable and sometimes challenging 65 minute musical journey. I’m also immensely proud of all of the visual material that we created for the album.
From Charlie Di Placido taking me out of my comfort zone with the wonderfully choreographed contemporary dance for Economies of Scale and What Life Brings, to longtime collaborator Jess Cope’s award-winning animation for Beautiful Scarecrow, and the immersive worlds crafted by Miles Skarin & Crystal Spotlight for Impossible Tightrope and the title track. Add to that the hauntingly powerful Rock Bottom video with Ninet Tayeb – collectively racking up over 2.5 million views—and counting!